I n t e r n a t i o n a l WORKSHOP 16th December 2020 “Covid 19 between security and Internationalisation”

The coronavirus crisis not only has led to the “Great Economic Pandemic”. It marked the beginning of a new era, of a new Mondial order, a new globalization. It is a great contemporary historical event; it is really “international” and a big world security problem. The international solidarity with health personnel around the world should serve as an incentive for the world to know how to react in an extraordinary way and reverse events.


h. 10.00 WELCOME (9am Italian Time)

  • by the Prof. Dr. Valentin Railean, Rector IMI-Nova and by Prof. Dr. Alessandro Figus Vice Rector for Internationalisation and European Integration IMI-Nova


  • L’agire inatteso e l’insicurezza: caratteri strutturali della postmodernità. 

Antonio Cocozza, RomaTRE, Italy

  • Development of internationalization during the post-pandemic COVID-2019

Gulzhan Shokym, Zhubanov University

  • New Global Policy during Covid 19

Alessandro Figus, IMI-Nova and University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

  • Covid 19 and health protection

Alessandra Sannella, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

  • COVID-19 and Third Age: psychological relapses of “new behaviours”.

Guido Amoretti, University of Genova

  • Culture, health and well-being sit in places. The impact of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) on the African Society: geo-anthropological reflections

Nicoletta Varani, Anna Siri and Enrico Bernardini, University of Genova

  • Resilience management to react toa pandemic crisis

Patrizia Gazzola, Insubria University

  • La didattica  a distanza durante l’emergenza Covid 19.

Stefania Capogna, RomaTRE and LCU Italy

  • Intercultura e Covid-19. Piste di riflessioni a partire da una ricerca empirica

Lisa Stillo, RomaTRE, Italy

  • The impact of the pandemic on the business regulation of international markets

Ilaria Capelli, Insubria University

  • I had Covid 19. The voices of the healed

Maurizio Esposito, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

  • Covid 19 and Global Media communication

Diana Spulber, FS&L and RUDN

  • On the issue of the use of bacteriological weapons, IT technologies and countries’ security

Ludovico de Serio, University of Genova, FS&L and Zhubanov State regional University, Aktobe, Kazakistan

Vadim Sarsenbayev, North Kazakhstan State University

Vladislav Semenyuk, North Kazakhstan State University

h. 13.00 Conclusion and discussion